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Feenix WoW

6 posters

    Hipp - Fury Warrior App


    Antal inlägg : 3
    Join date : 2013-03-06

    Hipp - Fury Warrior App Empty Hipp - Fury Warrior App

    Post  Hipp Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:26 pm

    Personal Information

    Your name : Nikola (Nick)

    Your age : 22

    Your nationality : Croatian (from Zagreb)

    Your time zone: GMT +1

    Character Information

    Character name : Hipp

    Class : Warrior

    Race : Human

    Spec : Fury

    Attuned to MC/BWL/Naxxramas : In progress

    List all your gear and enchants (Caster = Hit + Crit + SP, Melee = Hit + Crit + AP) :

    Head: Helm Of Valor
    Neck: Obsidian Pendant of the Bear - 9 str / 9 stam
    Shoulders: Spaulders Of Valor
    Back: Imposing Cape of the Bear - 6 str / 6 stam
    Chest: Emerald Breastplate of Strength - 26 str
    Wrist: Bracers of Valor
    Hands: Plated Fists of Hakoo
    Waist: Belt Of Valor
    Legs: Legplates Of Valor
    Boots: Boots Of Valor
    Ring1: Ring of the Underwood
    Ring2: Arctic Ring of the Tiger - 8 agi / 8 str
    Trinket1: Argend Dawn Commission
    Trinket2: Uther's Strength
    Ranged: Precisely Calibrated Boomstick
    Main hand: Hammer of the Northern Wind
    Off hand: Hanzo Sword

    *No enchants as of yet, since my gear is pretty standard preraid (not even BiS)

    First of all, I know my gear is criminal. I'd like to settle this so there's no confussion:)
    I dinged 60 yesterday evening, and with a bit of research done, there are no "medium" guilds on this server. There are top guilds, and "no-guilds". So that basically means that if you're not in one of the top guilds, you can only progress via PuG's. And that would take a huge amount of time, not to mention that every PuG I go in should be honest with straightforward loot rules. You know how it is. I also realise that my gear level isn't even near enough for Praeda's standards. However, if given the opportunity, I can prove myself! Especially since I would run Pre-Raid instances to get best items possible.
    I've chosen the Warrior class since that was a class I haven't touched in Vanilla, and I like to explore something new. I've learned the Fury spec in and out while leveling, will do the same for Arms and Prot in the next few days (I've played a Prot Warr on Live during TBC - SSC progression as alt).

    Resistances ( Fire / Nature / Frost ) : Currently 0 / 0 / 0. However, there are several items I'd like to aquire that give resistances, primarily Nature and Frost (AQ and Naxx)

    Show us your UI : http :// img16.imageshack. us/ img16/ 6608/ wowscrnshot030613230647.jpg (don't mind the keybinds, for some reason they are not showing right, I'm currently fixing it)

    List of the addons you are currently using : Xperl, AtlasLoot, Atlas, CoolDown, CtMod, Grid, ReCap, KTM

    PvE Experience : I started playing WoW in January 2006 - so pretty much from the start. It was mostly on and off, but more on than off. I started playing on Bronzebeard (as a resto shaman) and started raiding with a guild called Sanitarium, after that in The Spirits Within. In vanilla I cleared ZG, AQ20, MC, BWL, Ony, AQ40 (till Ouro) and only Spider quarter in Naxx. When TBC came, a few of us from TSW went to Doomhammer, where I raided with a guild called Immortality and cleared - Karazhan, Maggy's Lair, Gruul's Lair, SSC, TK, MH and BT until Mother (at that time I had an accident IRL so I had to quit) - came back in WotlK, when prime of my WoW career started - I joined Gaudium, which would later become nr. 92 guild in the world when ICC was current content - with me being the Main Healer and Healing Officer of the guild, still with my shaman. In WotlK I, of course, cleared - Naxx, OS, Ony, ToC, ToGC, Uld, ICC and RS (everything on 10 HC and 25 HC) - including some server firsts and feat of strength achievs - Immortal, Undying, Grand Crusader, Herald of The Titans (server first), Starcaller, Bane of the Fallen King (server first), Light of Dawn (server first and WoL rank nr. 4 shaman healing wise in the world). Sadly, over the summer, the guild had many problems, and just before the launch of Cataclysm, we disbanded. After that I went to Silvermoon where a few of my RL friends were, and made a priest (never wanted to level my shammy, BiS WotlK gear still resides - Illimar) - with my priest I wanted to play casual, just a few raids here and there, PvP etc. However, I got an invite from a friend of mine to a guild that a few people were making who were top notch world raiders. Guild was called Reunion. With them, we cleared every single boss in Cata on heroic and normal mode, with me as a Disc Priest (Pipstah) getting some nice WoL ranks, including, and the best one being NR. 1 in the world healing wise on Sinestra. Reunion was one of very very very few guilds in the world that managed to kill Spine of Deathwing and Madness of Deathing WITHOUT THE NERF (nerf being the 5%, 10%, 15% etc. health and damage decrease by bosses). On that kill I was playing Shadow, due to lack of ranged DPS. We played MoP beta and downed every boss there, but at that time content seemed very "meh" so during the summer 2012 I decided to quit retail WoW, I had some major life changing events and it was time for me to go. I said farewell, and since then, haven't logged in.

    Previous guilds in Feenix : I think I've covered the question above. On Feenix servers, I haven't been in any guilds since I'm pretty new to the server (less than one week).

    General Information

    Are you able to attend to atleast 3 raids, every week (We raid Sun,Tues,Thurs 19:30-23:30 Server Time and invites start at 19.00 ST): Yes, indeed I am.

    Can you come to raids and supply your own consumables (e.g. Flasks).Please state what concumables you are using: I'd use the Strength flask. I just want to point out I'll need some time to gather resources (primarily gold) so I can manage myself.

    We might have to rotate you during a raid, are you willing to stay on stand by ? Of course, that's perfectly normal.

    Have you read the rules and do you accept them ? Yes I have, and yes I do.

    Is there any member in <Praeda> that can vouch for you ? Seeing as I've been on Warsong for less than a week, no.

    Since the forum is a big part of the community you are obligated to be active on the forum and sign up for raids and contribute with your opinions. Are you willing to go along with this: Yes I am.

    Zerroc's favourite song ( Must answer ) : http :// www . youtube. com/ watch?v=07kpF1MZHOQ

    (Optional) Add something you think we find interesting or useful : As far as WoW is concerned, I have a lot of characters in retail - Pipstah, Pipstahtwo (during Cata my 2 main priests) - then Pipster (Hunter - Raid Alt), Pippsi+Pippsitwo (Raid Alt2 + Alt - Paladins), Pepica (PvP mage) etc. Fun fact: During Cata, for a few months, my brother and I were the only people on Silvermoon who had [The Bloodthirsty] achievement.
    As far as real life is concerned I'm an Architecture student, I live in my own flat, I swim, skii and play tennis. Free time is filled with going out, spending (some) time with my dear girlfriend, and well, this vanilla WoW (which has brought back so many emotions).

    Thanks for your time.


    Antal inlägg : 202
    Join date : 2012-12-27
    Age : 30

    Hipp - Fury Warrior App Empty Re: Hipp - Fury Warrior App

    Post  Sponzy Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:12 pm

    You are not right about guilds, there are some who are doing up to bwl. But what i wanted to say is tht all of us made first gear with a pugs mostly.. There is alot of MC every week, same witth ZG and AQ20. Also Im not so good about fury warr gear, but I think some BiS preraid items are from 5 mans. Also best ones are from crafting, head and legs. With crafted gear, vote points, and some pugs, you can gear your character relly good in like 2 weeks, even before If you are hardcore and make pugs alone and reserve items you need. Anyway my point is, you should put some effort to get gear. You made me think that you want to have serverd all, that you dont want to put to much effort, and you are looking for guild who can boost you. Im not saying you do, but applying to Praeda 1 day after you dinged 60 is a bit unserious if you ask me. Anyway GL, warrior CL will reply soon.

    Antal inlägg : 316
    Join date : 2012-05-31

    Hipp - Fury Warrior App Empty Re: Hipp - Fury Warrior App

    Post  ljigavi Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:35 am

    Omg,croatian guy are u serious?We are not red dragons,that u can apply with that gear!!!
    Big -999999999999999999999
    best regards by mighty gnomo!

    Antal inlägg : 170
    Join date : 2012-11-01

    Hipp - Fury Warrior App Empty Re: Hipp - Fury Warrior App

    Post  supercrim Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:30 am

    Thanks for the app Nikola.

    Ljigavi stop being a douche! He's new to the server and doesn't know the standards, and he mentioned the gear inadequacy in his app.

    Bump for what Sponzy said. I will just elaborate a bit on what he said to try to help you out a bit.

    It's great to see an app with time put into it, but I think you need to spend some more time on the server first. Not only for the gear, but because you

    need some time to gather resources (primarily gold)
    We expect a lot of consumables each raid and this requires a stable personal economy to manage. Something that you can't have in < one week on this server.

    Moreover based on your response I'm uncertain whether you understand just how many cons top guilds on this server require during raids (ALL raids, not just progress). This is a peculiarity of Feenix, not something unique to Praeda, and it's definitely different from retail so I don't expect you to know. Really you can talk with Darkshivan about it but to save time I'll copy/paste the lists from our warrior class forums. Just to give you a basic idea of what is expected.

    Fury Warriors :

    - Elixir of the Mongoose x20
    - Elixir of Giants x20
    - Winterfall Firewater x20
    - Smoked Desert Dumplings x20
    - Elemental Sharpening Stone x10
    - Mighty Rage Potion x20
    - Scroll of Agility IV or III x20
    - Scroll of Strength IV or III x20
    - Magic Resistance Potion x5
    - Greater Nature Protection Potion x15
    - Greater Shadow Protection Potion x15
    - Greater Fire Protection Potion x10
    - Immature Venom Sac x50
    - Frost Oil x5
    - Flask of the Titans x2
    - Rumsey Rum Black Label x20
    - Scroll of Stamina IV x 20
    - Tender Wolf Steak x20
    - Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops x20

    Tanks :

    - Elixir of Greater Agility or Elixir of the Mongoose x20
    - Elixir of Giants x20
    - Elemental Sharpening Stone x5
    - Greater Stoneshield Potion x10
    - Elixir of Superior Defense x20
    - Major Troll's Blood Potion x20
    - Scroll of Stamina IV x 20
    - Scroll of Protection IV x20
    - Magic Resistance Potion x5
    - Greater Nature Protection Potion x15
    - Greater Shadow Protection Potion x15
    - Greater Fire Protection Potion x10
    - Immature Venom Sac x50
    - Frost Oil x5
    - Flask of the Titans x2
    - Rumsey Rum Black Label x20
    - Tender Wolf Steak x20
    - Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops x20

    For specific encounters:
    - Magic Dust x20 (Gothik)
    - Major Troll's Blood Potion x5 (Loatheb)
    - Whipper Root Tubber x20 (Loatheb)
    - Greater Arcane Protection Potion x20 (Gothik)

    Not exactly the vanilla of fond memories. You can easily blow 500-1000g in a normal raid.

    For gear, PUGs will do the trick in just a few weeks if you can't find a BWL-progression guild in your timezone. Praeda alone runs 3 MCs every week and 4+ ZG/AQ20s. Once you've got pre-raid BiS for fury and protection (at least), everything enchanted, good resistance gear (also enchanted) and gold/cons stacked up then I would say hit us up again. (It took me (though a priest) about a month from starting and that was considered fast.) You can also get gear via voting (max. every 12 hours) on the wow-one site as Sponzy mentioned.

    I appreciate the attitude and the time you put into writing this and hope these comments are helpful for you to get started. Seems like you'd have a decent chance given some time. Wait to hear from Darkshivan of course.

    Thanks again for applying and GL with everything, hope you are enjoying Feenix.
    Captain America

    Antal inlägg : 3
    Join date : 2013-03-06

    Hipp - Fury Warrior App Empty Re: Hipp - Fury Warrior App

    Post  Hipp Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:59 am

    @ Supercrim and Sponzy

    First of all, thank you for the replies and your desire to help!

    When I typed "and with a bit of research done" - what I ment was that I was reading different forum posts etc.
    I appreciate your insight, since you definitely know more about Feenix than I do.

    However, I feel the need to elaborate my application a bit more.

    I applied, the main reason being you are one of the best guilds on Feenix (at least what Forums and people told me). That being said, I knew I wouldn't get a raid spot at once, even if you accept me.
    What I actually wanted was TIME to farm gear, gold and with that consumables & proffesions. Yes, my goal was to get into the guild, but I was absolutely aware that I would have to get on your level. Honestly, I was hoping that I would get a raid spot here and there, when you can afford that, but I most definitely didn't aim for a full main raid spot at the beggining, since I would probably do more DPS than the MT only.
    It was more of "Oh, maybe I could join their 5 mans, or 10 mans, maybe a ZG once in a while, until I'm properly geared and ready".
    Now that I know that PuG's are regular and fine, I would do that every week, every raid. And you know, having a strong guild name below your character name helps you get into PuG's, even if you are social (at least how it worked in Live WoW).

    As far as what Supercrim wrote, about consumables and the list - don't worry. I'm fully aware of that - I was and Enchanter in vanilla with my shaman, and I remember the painful farming of world drops recipes, as well as LW on my alt hunter.

    The goal of getting gear, gold and proffesions (consumables) will be reached - its only a matter of time, and if you will approve of me being in Praeda.

    Thank you in advance,

    Field Marshal
    Field Marshal

    Antal inlägg : 452
    Join date : 2012-07-11
    Age : 34
    Location : Lisbon, Portugal

    Hipp - Fury Warrior App Empty Re: Hipp - Fury Warrior App

    Post  DarkshivanProudToBeGay Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:57 am

    Hello Hipp!

    I find your WoW career quite impressive, however, don't get us wrong, it's not the first time we hear about an amazing player from retail re-rolling here and I do understand your perspective but as it was obviously stated, your gear isn't the brightest and as you know, Vanilla World of Warcraft is a very gear intensive game.

    We are a guild that wants to progress in Four Horsemen - making farming not as a constant factor anymore and gearing up new people in official raids a bit harder than before. So, even if you were invited as a social, you still have a long road to go on your own.

    I'd honestly would like to see a player of your experience with a proper gear joining in. Now if you fix your gear with BiS pre-raid and fix your consumables and get yourself a stable "economy" I think we have the spot to carry you in as an initiate.

    But in all honesty I think that the best we can support you is a shelter as a social member.

    This is not my call as I'm the Tank CL and not the Fury CL.

    Take care and goodluck!

    Edit: By the way, I find it odd for a player that seems to be an active forum user missed the answer to the question on the application!

    Antal inlägg : 3
    Join date : 2013-03-06

    Hipp - Fury Warrior App Empty Re: Hipp - Fury Warrior App

    Post  Hipp Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:53 pm

    @ Darkshivan

    Thank you for your reply and insights.

    I understand you completely, especially if you are progressing on The4H.
    As for seeing me in action with proper gear, I'd like that as well, because that's pretty much the only way I can prove you my skills (well, besides looking up Armory EU and my Live chars)

    As for your P.S. remark - I'd guess it refers to the question "Zerroc's favourite song ( Must answer ) :"
    I know its "Lonely Island - oich oich jam", I just thought "Babybird - Because you're gorgeus" would be more suitable. Razz



    Antal inlägg : 382
    Join date : 2011-09-29
    Age : 34

    Hipp - Fury Warrior App Empty Re: Hipp - Fury Warrior App

    Post  Amitta Sun Mar 10, 2013 7:08 pm

    Hey There Nick!

    First of all, apologies for the wait.

    I'm sorry but unfortunately I'm going to decline this application. Main reason is that we are full of fury warriors at the moment but I'd like to give you an opportunity as soon as we have a slot, so keep working in that gear.

    Good Luck and Thanks for applying to Praeda.

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